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Gratitude is an often underestimated or neglected instrument in the business world. It is not uncommon for employees to be dissatisfied or change jobs because they feel unappreciated. Colleagues and managers often find it difficult to express gratitude and appreciation. In fact, lack of appreciation is one of the most common reasons for dismissal (in a survey in 2019 it was even the most frequently mentioned reason for terminating a job) – not to mention the countless cases of “internal resignation”…

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It is all the more surprising how neglected the subject is sometimes. The topic is also very little present in management literature and education. Therefore I was very happy to find the book Gratitude Infusion: Workplace Strategies for a Thriving Organizational Culture* by Kerry Alison Wekelo. It is a non-fiction business book about corporate culture with a focus on people and relationships. The book is a follow up from her book Culture Infusion, but also provides useful information in itself. It offers valuable insights and practical advice in the form of case studies and shares real-life experiences.

The book consists of 13 chapters which could be roughly grouped in 5 thematic sections. The first section (chapter 1+2) is the introduction and some information about the personal and professional journey of the author. The second section (chapter 3+4) covers the theory and research findings of gratitude. The third section (chapter 5–10) covers strategies for the integration of gratitude in corporate culture and everyday life. Section 4 (chapter 11) introduces inspiring case studies of individuals who experienced “the power of gratitude in their own lives and organizations”. And section 5 (chapter 12+13) provides a conclusion and final remarks from the author—sending out gratitude to those who collaborated in the book creation. … and yes, I think it is well written and a pleasure to read.

Gratitude is not only a powerful tool to improve team spirit but also to drive results and enhance overall mental health. While the book contains the relevant theory backed up with up-to-date research is the focus clearly the practical application in the day-to-day business practice. The book comes with easy-to-use recommendations and advice on how to apply gratitude in various situations (not only business). As Kerry Wekelo emphasizes in the book, some people are more predisposed to gratitude, but everyone can improve the gratitude “muscle”.

I highly recommend the book Gratitude Infusion* for everyone interested in leadership and corporate culture. Still, it is also an exciting read for everyone who wants to improve personal relationships in private settings.

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Categories: Leadership

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